How to turn Vim into a powerful and customizable IDE What is Vim? - Vim is a text editor that is commonly used by programmers for writing and editing code. It is known for its powerful features an...
How to turn Vim into a powerful and customizable IDE What is Vim? - Vim is a text editor that is commonly used by programmers for writing and editing code. It is known for its powerful features an...
Connect to Starting Point VPN before starting the machine: └─$ sudo openvpn starting_point_YrnCollo.ovpn Nmap results └─$ nmap -sV -sC -T4 Starting Nmap 7.92 ( https:/...
What is the Git terminal? At its core, Git is a set of command line utility programs that are designed to execute on a Unix style command-line environment. Modern operating systems like Linux and m...
This is CyberTalents Bootcamp(Online)2022 challenges. Introduction to CTF Competition Description: Special kind of cybersecurity competition designed to challenge its participants to solve computer...
Hey remember that I’ll have to change the flag so that you can try it and find the actual flag. You can find the challenges here. Crackme1 This was one of the easiest crackme challenges. All you ...
This is the second phase of hacking where by it includes scanning the target and enumerating services. Port Scanning : 1. nmap -sC -sV -o nmap -A -T5 10.10.10.x 2. Host Discovery • nmap -sn 10...