Building E-commerce with Rust - Backend (part 1)
You can find the full source code here Database design Special thanks to my friend (Kevin Eldurson) for their invaluable assistance in designing the database schema. Their expertise and insights...
You can find the full source code here Database design Special thanks to my friend (Kevin Eldurson) for their invaluable assistance in designing the database schema. Their expertise and insights...
Rootme is a fairly simple linux box. We shall start with nmap scan to see the ports open on the machine. We would then use gobuster for directory brute force and from there we would find where you ...
Lazyadmin is an easy rated box on Tryhackme. On this box we will begin with nmap scan to enumerate various ports. We shall then exploit a well known vulnerability on the box to get initial foothold...
Tomghost is a linux machine which is rated easy by TryHackMe. This machine covers vulnerability on the Tomcat apache server and privilege escalation on a different user on the box. I’ll have to rem...
CHALLENGE DESCRIPTION: Can you see me? Source created by: MinatoTW In this reverse engineering challenge, we are given an ELF 64-bit LSB executable file named "auth" which had been stripped. The...
It’s important to keep yourself safe when using the internet, especially as we start the new year. There are always new ways that hackers and cyber criminals try to get access to personal informati...